Monday, May 2, 2011

Z is for Zodiac Signs

Do you know your sign? Do you read your horoscope every day? I know people that check their horoscope and plan their days around them. It always strikes me as a little absurd, but never more so than when I got a job offer to write horoscopes.

Yes, it's true. Somewhere on the Web, on a well-known and well-respected freelance-writing job board, there are two posts this year (so far!) asking for writers to come up with horoscope “predictions”. No qualification required, other than the usual “must be your own unique work” that freelancers expect to see on any assignment.

No need to be an astrologist, a seer, or a medium. Just write interesting bits of advice that will keep people coming back to their website. Reading that took all the mystery out of for me. I think I wanted (just a little) to believe...

What about you? Do you believe that your life is being controlled by your zodiac sign? Do you make plans based on your horoscope?